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Terms that are in use on this site.

There are 111 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition

American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials - a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It represents all five transportation modes: air, highways, public transportation, rail ,and water. Its primary goal is to foster the development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system.


The ability to enter or leave a residence, business, or parcel of land from a roadway by way of a connecting driveway.


Limiting the ability of traffic to enter, leave, or cross thoroughfares; regulating the spacing and design of driveways, medians, intersections, and traffic signals to promote the efficient flow of through traffic.


The ability to reach destinations, activities, and services.


Americans with Disabilities Act - A set of guidelines passed in 1990 to assure a minimum level of accessibility to buildings and facilities for individuals with disabilities; Title III of the legislation deals with public accommodations.


Average Daily Traffic - The average number of vehicles passing a specific point on a roadway during 24 hour period.


A portion of the public right of way, typically adjacent to the sidewalk but outside the pedestrian walking area, including streetscape elements, landscaping, and street trees.  Amenity zones are more often seen in higher density, pedestrian-oriented areas such as retail or mixed-use developments.


Accessible Pedestrian Signal - A device communicating information about pedestrian signal timing using a non-visual format, such as audible tones, verbal messages, or vibrating surfaces.


A controlled access highway designed for through traffic (longer trips, higher volume and speed); arterials are typically on a continuous route and are often divided; the right-of-way is usually 120 feet.


Buses with an “accordion” section in the middle allowing them to bend and flex; these buses have more passenger capacity than standard buses.


The division of a building façade into distinct sections; the materials, patterns, textures, and colors that add visual interest to a building or facade; areas with higher levels of articulation are typically more inviting pedestrian environments.


Sidewalk is immediately adjacent and attached to the street curb.

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