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Terms that are in use on this site.

There are 111 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition

The phases of a traffic signal cycle provided for a pedestrian to cross a roadway in a crosswalk, including the “walk” and “clearance” intervals.


A built environment that emphasizes and is conducive to walking between destinations.  A pedestrian-friendly environment may include sidewalks, buffers, street trees, benches, fountains, transit stops, pedestrian-oriented signs and lighting, public art, and buildings that are visually interesting with high levels of transparency and articulation.


A sloped area of concrete connecting the street and the sidewalk to assist pedestrians crossing an intersection.


A protected area between traffic lanes providing pedestrians with a safe place to wait for gaps in traffic.


Describes an area designed to allow pedestrians to comfortably walk from one location to another and interact with the built environment; an effort to create an appropriate relationship between human beings and the size/function of surrounding buildings; an emphasis on building features and characteristics which can be observed in close proximity, at the speed a pedestrian would travel.


A built environment that emphasizes and is conducive to walking between destinations.  A pedestrian-friendly environment may include sidewalks, buffers, street trees, benches, fountains, transit stops, pedestrian-oriented signs and lighting, public art, and buildings that are visually interesting with high levels of transparency and articulation.


Silicon panels collect sunlight and convert it into solar energy, which is then stored in special batteries, sent to a power inverter, and converted into a usable form; photovoltaic panels are joined together to create a solar array.


The area between the street right-of-way line and the sidewalk, intended to provide a buffer between pedestrians and vehicles.

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